Thursday, May 7, 2009

Be Religously Aware of Your Religion

Today I was talking to someone I know as an acquaintance, and, since I was curious, and I thought it would be unobtrusive to ask, I inquired about his religion. After talking with him a few times before, I noticed that his values leaned toward a more christian direction, so I asked, "Are you a christian?"

He said exactly these words: " No, I'm a Lutheran... but I don't ever go to church."

When I heard this, I didn't know whether to be extremely angry with his obvious lack of knowledge about his own supposed religion, or to burst out laughing. I choose to just look at him coolly and reply, "Lutherans are Christians." He insisted that they were not.. then I mentioned I had been a Lutheran for most of my early life, and went through a year of 4 hours every Wednesday of studying Luther's writings and the holy bible. He just looked at me like people do when they know they have just made an ass of themselves. Sadly, I just looked at him and walked away.

Is it that difficult for people to be aware and/or informed about their own religion? You know about these people (or you might be one and not realize it yet) who only go to church out of this misplaced tradition from their childhood of going to church on Sundays, but not actually paying attention to what is happening. They might go because that's what their family has always done, or they might go because it makes them feel better about themselves, rids them of guilt or such. They could go because their family would be upset if they didn't go, and if they have kids, the family would be worried about the child's (or children) religious upbringing.

If you don't truly believe in your religion, and you don't have true faith or at least some faith in your religion, and you're using going to church for raising social status or going because "mom and dad did", then what is the spiritual point of going to church? None. You aren't going for yourself or your immortal soul, it's like flipping the bird at "your" religion's true belivers.

The church goers I really despise are those that go because they have this need to be in the top 10 best families in the neighborhood, men's club, sewing club, book club, or any other sort of club. They're so involved with their American suburban family political status, they completely lose sight of the point of religion, and I thought that one of the reasons humans have religion is because they need hope, they faith, they need something to believe in... and when you go to church for other reasons than that, you shouldn't go.. especially if you're passing out in the middle of the sermons.

Then there are some people who never go to church, they never pray, they never read the bible or even really think about their religion, and still say they are part of it.... How can you say you're a believer, if you don't believe? Just say you don't know.... say you're at a religious crossroads... say you don't really care to discuss it.. but don't say you are part of a religion when you don't follow it at all.

So if you're one of the types of people mentioned above, then if someone asks you what your religion is, say something like, "I was raised as Lutheran," or maybe, "I'm a Baptist church goer." If you don't actually believe in a religion such as Christianity, how can you say you are a Christian?

These are just a few thoughts on the subject... if you have a question or a point to make... comment. If I want to change something, or I think of something else to add to this post, then I'll add it when if comes to me (and I have internet).

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